war of nerves

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war of nerves

  1. psykologinen sodankäynti, hermosota, sota, sodankäynti.

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hermosota puhekieltä warfare Warfare or other physical conflict in which one or more combatting parties use especially demoralize demoralizing and frightening tactics to attempt to unnerve their opponents.
1915, w:Otto Liman von Sanders|Liman von Sanders Pasha, Field Marshal of Turkish forces at w:Gallipoli Campaign|Gallipoli, quoted in "http://query.nytimes.com/mem/archive-free/pdf?_r=1&res=9A0CE5DD1138E633A2575AC0A96E9C946496D6CF Says Turks Will Soon Expel British," New York Times, 9 Aug., p. 2 (retrieved 24 Aug. 2010):

"Our brave Ottoman soldiers are not easily frightened by noise, owing to their splendid nerves—and this is a war of nerves, a war in which strong nerves mean victory."
1939, w:John Anderson, 1st Viscount Waverley|Sir John Anderson quoted in "http://news.google.ca/newspapers?id=0xU1AAAAIBAJ&sjid=6qULAAAAIBAJ&pg=1732,1776438&dq=war-of-nerves&hl=en Women's Service if War Comes," Glasgow Herald, 11 May (retrieved 24 Aug. 2010):
"In the future, war will not merely be one of men and machines, it will be a war of wills and a war of nerves."
puhekieltä A situation in which opposed parties refrain from direct conflict but maintain a tense, contentious relationship in which each uses annoyances or intimidate intimidating psychological tactics to attempt to dishearten and unnerve the other.
1966, "http://news.google.ca/newspapers?id=SxwQAAAAIBAJ&sjid=bIsDAAAAIBAJ&pg=6002,6105923&dq=war-of-nerves+-communist+-soviet+-russia&hl=en Steel Industry Appears To Be Victor in Battle of Prices," The Free Lance-Star (USA), 5 Aug. p. 1 (retrieved 24 Aug. 2010):
A united steel industry appeared to have emerged the victor today in a war of nerves to raise prices on some of its products in the face of White House pressure to hold the price line.
1983, "http://news.google.ca/newspapers?id=oFEfAAAAIBAJ&sjid=PdIEAAAAIBAJ&pg=2624,1474173&dq=war-of-nerves+-communist+-soviet+-russia&hl=en Small Town Host Big Time Chess Tourney," Daytona Beach Morning Journal, 18 July, p. 8A (retrieved 24 Aug. 2010):
14 of America's best chess players are wielding kings, queens and their chessboard servants in a silent but brutal war. . . . "It's a mental war, it's a war of nerves, of logic, or reasoning, of being a good fighter," said Walter Browne.
2009, Oleg Shchedrov, "http://in.reuters.com/article/idINIndia-39913120090527?pageNumber=2&virtualBrandChannel=0 Russia fears Korea conflict could go nuclear," Reuters India, 27 May (retrieved 24 Aug. 2010):
"We assume that a dangerous brinkmanship, a war of nerves, is under way, but it will not grow into a hot war," the official told Tass.


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